AM2020.ZIP 333,560 10-31-93 ╔╦╗╔╗╔╗ AutoMessage 2.0 20-Column! ╔╗╔╗╔╦╗╠╣╚╝╚╝╚══╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╧╧╧═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧══╝╚╝╚╝╠╣╟╢ Professional graphical messages. Has 5 ╟╢╟╢ fonts, optional password protection, a ╟╢╟╢ QuickShow feature, and some bug fixes
AM2032.ZIP 310,611 10-31-93 ╔╦╗╔╗╔╗ AutoMessage 2.0 32-Column! ╔╗╔╗╔╦╗╠╣╚╝╚╝╚══╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╧╧╧═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧══╝╚╝╚╝╠╣╟╢ 32-Column Version of AutoMessage 2.0!! ╟╢╟╢ Professional graphical messages. Has 4 ╟╢╟╢ fonts, optional password protection,
AM_21D.ZIP 355,840 08-13-93 Address Manager v2.1D; Tracks addresses,phone numbers, comments, and important datesIncludes dialer, label and envelope printer.Supports international addresses. English,French and Dutch.
AN300.ZIP 192,305 06-29-93 AMPLE NOTICE v3.0; Flexible appointmentcalendar/alarm clock software. Variety ofoptions for viewing, printing, sorting andarchiving the appointment file. Lets yougroup entries by user or category. New inversion 3
APIM31S.ZIP 616,157 12-12-93 The ACHIEVEMNET PLANNER v3.0; Powerful yeteasy-as-pie, good-looking, PIM and personalorganization tools: smart APPOINTMENTCALENDAR; multi-address book CONTACT MANAGERPROJECT PLANNER linked to DAY PLANNER,TODOlist. L
APR150.ZIP 410,804 10-01-93 Apropos 1.50; Contact Manager! Helps youorganize your contacts, activities, to-dos,and documents. Features include user-definedreports, file compression for backups andfile transfers, support for internationaldate f
BACKSN20.ZIP 149,174 01-01-94 Back Soon! v2.0; Message-taking/Screen savinutility. Displays scrolling message (out tolunch, back in 5, etc.) on your monitor.Optionally alternates your message with musiand/or animated graphics. Visitors can leav
BB101.ZIP 660,223 11-21-93 Blackbook v1.01 Personal Information ManagerUsing BlackBook you will find over 100different catagories of information to storefor each person in your system. You mayattach a .pcx or .gif file to each record inthe sy
CANS15.ZIP 285,641 01-02-94 CANS v1.5; Industrial strength PIM. A tickleand rolodex - on line help. Features 'to do'list, automatically rolls foward daily;maintains anniversaries. Search calendar bydate or keyword; critical date alerts.Extensi
CCJR51.ZIP 190,127 01-21-94 CLIENT CONNECTION,Jr. v5.1; Single userclient/names list manager for marketing orpersonal needs. Features: text editor, mailmerge, mailing labels, reports, sorting,autodialer, password security. Users includeHome bu
CDIARY13.ZIP 199,005 01-01-94 Cumberland Diary v1.3; Powerful diary/journal entry program with pull-down menus,on-line help, cut & paste features, optionalpassword protection. Headings can be includefor each entry. ASCII import and export.Multi-
CLINTON2.ZIP 49,818 11-27-93 CLINTON; Backwards running clock in honor ofthe Clinton Administration. Displays thecorrect time except that the display runscounter-clockwise. Has optional hourly beeppolitical commentary, digital readout, alarmus
CLOCK242.ZIP 183,295 11-15-93 TimeCapture, v2.42; Easy-to-use employee timclock with a password-protected file managerIt ensures employees remember to record alltimes by "reminding" them when they forget.At your discretion, you can allow employee
CPLUS25.ZIP 439,480 08-16-93 Contact Plus Personal v2.5; Full support forWordPerfect 6.0 form letters and mail-merge.Import. Still: auto-dialer, user definedfields categories, memory resident (TSR),Avery mailing labels, ticklers, reminders,hist
CS170SW.ZIP 223,686 11-27-93 Contact Scheduler v1.70; Mouse aware contactmanagement tool for small to mid-sizebusinesses and individuals. Zip code sortinglabels, mail merge, comments, 3 contactnames/phones/titles, follow-up date, topicsand grou
DAYFL31A.ZIP 493,877 11-01-93 DayFlo TRACKER Lite v3.1.a. Acclaimed PIM.Boasts variable length text fields & userdefined Forms & Reports. Excels at Contacts,Textual data, Article Abstracts, Projects,Library Topics, Quotations, Research Notes &m
DRM33.ZIP 131,584 01-09-94 DR. Memory v3.3; One of the many "E-Z to usereminder" programs written over the past fewyears that remind you of appointments,holidays, etc. It has the good features ofthe others, yet none of the complexity andcompl
EXADB30.ZIP 299,813 06-28-93 Executive Address Book v. 3.01; Unscrambleyour address book. Print two-sided pages.23 formats for all size organizers and pockesecretaries. Fits Day-Timer, DayRunnerFranklin Planner. Maintains Rolodex.Provides mu
EZ_DEX11.ZIP 28,478 11-05-93 EZ-DEX v1.1; Automatically types names andaddresses into running word processors, orother text oriented programs, upon usercommand. EZ-DEX also prints labels andenvelopes directly and dials phone numbers.
LOG21.ZIP 163,665 09-01-93 DAILY LOG BOOK v2.1 ASP - Personal diary witcalendar, search/print options, macros,cut/paste editing, optional passwordprotection. Subjects may be separated in upto 99 log books. Calendar views one or sixmonths an
MC141SW.ZIP 400,576 02-12-94 MASTER CONTROL v1.41; DOS user desktopprogram. Many features.- Master Controlcombines our popular Contact Manager andAppointment Scheduler programs with a newfile manager, application launcher (menuingsystem) and a
MLRCC30.ZIP 157,001 09-05-93 MY LITTLE REALM'S CALLING CARDS v3.0; is youanswer when you need an electronic phonebook. You can use it as a personal YellowPages, telling it to find your tennispartner, plumber, or doctor. It printslabels, Rolod
MLRROR26.ZIP 134,618 09-01-93 My Little Realm's Records of the Realm v2.6Remembers when you can't. Can't recall wheryou put the mortgage papers? How about thekids' birth certificates? Find it all inRecords of the Realm. Records even helps yow
ORG213.ZIP 60,543 11-11-93 ORGANIZE v2.13; Keeps track of you importantappointments, stores them, and prints anattractive calendar with your memos in eachday. Supports IBM/EPSON/DESKJET/LASERJETprinters. Online help and a tickler toremind y
PA307A.ZIP 152,551 07-01-93 Public Address v3.05p; Full featured AddressManager! ASP author. Public Address is a datbase program designed to be easy to use yethave every feature someone would need aroundthe home or in a small business. Does Lab
PCAL1462.ZIP 190,256 10-07-93 PERSONAL CALENDAR v14.62; TSR PIM. Containsprintable appointment reminder (tickler),clock, scrollable calendar, notepad, andhistorical track. Deluxe, flexible, friendyPersonal Information Manager, runs as normalpro
PC_CLK.ZIP 155,492 02-01-94 PC CLOCK v1.1; Up, Down, Lap, Race, Game, anSplit Timers- Calibrate your computer forthree levels of timing precision then use thUP, DOWN, LAP, RACE, GAME, AND SPLIT timersto time the laps in the Indy 500, aprofessi
REMIND21.ZIP 56,614 11-21-93 REMINDER 2.1U will let you create daily,monthly, yearly reminders. It checks forreminders at bootup so you don't have toremember to run it and supports multipleusers. If you share your pc with your familyor co-worke
REMS_D20.ZIP 322,923 04-01-94 REMINDER SYSTEM (DOS) v2.0; Never missanother important date again. Reminder'sadvance notification feature will alert youof important events long before they happen.End last minute scrambling. Excellentcalendaring
RG200SW.ZIP 85,404 02-12-94 CONTACT MGR REPT. GENERATOR v2.0; CustomReport Generator for Contact Manager- RGv2.00 is an addon utility that allows usersof Contact Manager to create customizedreports using the Contact Mgr. Data fields.Reports ca
RMD40.ZIP 225,484 01-31-94 RESUME MASTER DELUXE v4.0; Easy-to-use & mendriven. RMD prompts you to enter informationabout yourself, work history, education, etcIt takes this information, formats it, thenprints it out to create a professionallo
RMINDME.ZIP 62,222 07-01-93 If You Have You Ever Forgotten anAppointment, a Meeting, a Birthday anAnniversary or Some Other Important Event,RemindMe Can Help. Automatically Checks YouFile of Reminder Notes Everyday When YouStart Up Your PC An
TAKE511.ZIP 134,124 09-03-93 Take Five v1.2; PC message service andsecurity system. The program can display PCXformat graphic files on the screen. Commandline parameters allow you to change the typeof fade, position of the image, and delay.Text
TM24C.ZIP 326,731 08-10-93 TASK MASTER v2.4; Easy-to-use projecttracking program. Keep track of officeassignments, correspondence, projects, tasksand other work - easily. TM provides severalreport options, an appointment calendar,popup calcul
TMC21A.ZIP 229,421 10-17-93 TMC Calendar & Phone Book v2.1; Features:Calendar with monthly notes, Phone/AddressDirectory, Phone Dialer, Export data toprinter or ASCII file (Calendars, Directorydata, Mail Labels, etc), Shortcut Keys (F1for Help
TPC13.ZIP 99,649 03-04-94 The Phone Center v1.3; It's the first dialerprogram that is fun to use. Includes an AreCode Search, A Time Zone Search, DOS Shell,Telephone Directory Printer, Database EntryFinder, Quick Memo Entry, Manual Dial,Mul
WUK220.ZIP 275,121 09-10-93 WHO-U-KNOW v2.2; The Ultimate Address Book,PIM, Date Reminder, and Mailing List.Features unlimited phone numbers for eachname (FAX, CAR, etc), autodialing, laser anddot matrix labels, rolodex, unlimited notes,envelo
WYWA10.ZIP 188,358 11-01-93 WYWA MESSAGE SYSTEM v1.0; Enhanced "While YoWere Away" message system featuring: Built-iScreen saver. Sign-out notice area (amat/will return). Auto-run at boot time ifnotice is active. Messages encrypted toinsure pr